Fanak Fund

Fanak Fund is an in­de­pen­dent civ­il so­ci­ety ini­tia­tive facilitating the mo­bil­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty of artists and cul­tur­al op­er­a­tors liv­ing and work­ing in Eu­rope, the Arab-speak­ing world, and the wider Mid­dle East, trav­el­ing ei­ther with­in these zones or outward to­wards the rest of the world.

Fanak Fund I


The gen­er­al fund sup­ports mo­bil­i­ty which
con­tributes to lo­cal cul­tur­al de­vel­op­ment and the eman­ci­pa­tion of pop­u­la­tions. This can be for ex­am­ple, de­vel­op­ing part­ner­ships and
co­op­er­a­tion abroad to strength­en lo­cal economies back home (through co-
pro­duc­tions or sus­tain­able ex­change
pro­grammes) or de­vel­op­ing in­de­pen­dent in­ter-re­gion­al or in­ter-na­tion­al pro­duc­tion
net­works. It can also be through ca­pac­i­ty build­ing (train­ing and res­i­den­cies), shar­ing knowl­edge learnt abroad, de­vel­op­ing one’s net­work of con­tacts through phys­i­cal pres­ence in events.


To facilitate mobility, cultural and artistic development in the Euro-Arab-Mid­dle East


Fanak Fund aims for equal­i­ty, trans­paren­cy and sus­tain­abil­i­ty and pro­motes the re­spect of
hu­man rights and cul­tur­al rights in par­tic­u­lar.

Who is it for?

Individuals liv­ing and work­ing in the Euro-Arab-Mid­dle East
ge­o­graph­i­cal zone.


Euro-Arab-Mid­dle East
ge­o­graph­i­cal zone

Duration of stay

Depends on the applicant’s needs

Financing amounts

Fanak Fund re­im­burs­es re­turn trav­el costs and visa/in­sur­ance costs ac­cord­ing to the amount spent on the applicant’s proof of ex­pen­di­ture. The re­im­burse­ment will not be more than the amount re­quest­ed on the
ap­pli­ca­tion form.

Source of funding

Self funded

Type of activity

Funding scheme

Type of sector

Arts, CCI’s