Craft Hub is a European project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme focused on Craft in the context of cultural heritage and its continuing relevance in contemporary practice.
The project activities involve investigating and documenting craft skills and processes; their differing application in creative practice across Europe; and questions of cultural specificity & individual motivations of practitioners
Craft Hub I Maker Exchange Residencies
The general fund supports mobility which
contributes to local cultural development and the emancipation of populations. This can be for example, developing partnerships and
cooperation abroad to strengthen local economies back home (through co-
productions or sustainable exchange
programmes) or developing independent inter-regional or inter-national production
networks. It can also be through capacity building (training and residencies), sharing knowledge learnt abroad, developing one’s network of contacts through physical presence in events.
A key feature of the Craft Maker Residencies is the opportunity to increase the transnational mobility of Craft Practitioners within and beyond the partnership countries
Who is it for?
Craft Practitioners: In this context Craft Practitioners are professionals with a career in Craft making, that need tools to develop and refresh their Craft making skills to increase self-expression and self-efficacy.
Duration of stay
Round 1 (Virtual exchanges):
July-October 2021
Round 2 (Physical exchanges):
7-day residencies due to take place between January and June of 2022.
Round 3 (Physical exchanges):
14-day residencies due to take place between July and December of 2022.
Financing amounts
Source of funding
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the EU.