Viktoria Heinzel, a fashion designer form Germany formed an exchange team and visited Lottozero, a leading creative hub in the field of textiles, based in Italy in order to develop her first collection for her sustainable fashion label: cen. and share knowledge with the local creative community.

Cen. (= culture embraces nature), is a label for sustainable occasion wear. The label stands for eco couture, cultural appreciation, slow fashion and circular design. Inspiration for the design is to be provided by different cultural heritages of the world. In contrast to the negative practice of cultural appropriation in the fashion industry, the label takes care to preserve and promote cultures, especially traditional craftsmanship.

With the support of Lottozero, Viktoria managed to complete the research and development phase of her fist collection and together they hosted a virtual “roundtable” together with actors from the different sectors of the fashion and textile industry, who are interested in topics, such as cultural appreciation. During the event, each participant had the opportunity to freely communicate their perspective on the topic. and reflect on their own experiences with their brand or in internal projects. In addition, they provided honest and comprehensive feedback on Viktoria’s efforts with the brand and the first textile samples!