On the 2nd of October, MAX project held an online workshop gathering creatives and stakeholders of the CCIs to discuss about makers mobility and impact but also the needs and thoughts of creatives on mobility. As a part of the Mapping WP of the project, the aim of the workshop was to examine existing schemes, good practices and impact but also the views of makers on mobility especially during the unprecedented conditions due to COVID-19 pandemic.
During the workshop, we had the chance to see the roadmap of i-Portunus, pilot project on mobility for artists that gave us some very interesting data and key points to think about, Creative FLIP, pilot project on CCIs supporting the P2P exchange programme between creative hubs, Res Artists who presented an interesting report on the impact of COVID-19 on international residencies. We also had the chance to note key points to the evaluation framework of impact presented by Margarida Azevedo, impact expert.
The second part of the workshop included a discussion among creatives who had previous experience with mobility and gave us their point of view on the importance of mobility, but also some valuable insights on different approaches to mobility since the pandemic started and alternative ways that makers invented to stay connected.
Key conclusions of the workshop will feed the Mapping exercise of Makers Mobility project and the impact evaluation framework that is to be developed in the context of the project.