Continuing their previous collaboration, designers Jonas Görgen and Bram de Vos, formed an exchange team in order to research into the topic of urbanism, spatial planning and alternative farming! The project was focused on expanding the idea of a fully local agriculture immediately around the city. This is based on Bram’s graduation project “Uprooting Agro-Systems”, which suggests the possibility of a fully self-sufficient Amsterdam. The exchange took physically with the participants visiting each other in Belgium, Brussels and Eindhoven, the Netherlands, where they also hosted their final presentation!

For their final presentation, Jonas and Bram worked in partnership with Kazerne Eindhoven, a foundation which creates a vibrant, welcoming and inspiring hospitably environment in the heart of design city Eindhoven, where as many people as possible can experience how design adds value to the world in which we live in a laidback way. The event was carried out within their framework called “EHV Innovation Café”, a weekly format to present and pitch new ideas to an open minded community. During the event Jonas and Bram showcased their proposals on how to bring agriculture and the city together focusing on alternative farming approaches that are space efficient, ecologically valuable and sustainable.

Bram de Vos and Jonas Görgen presenting Uprooting Urbanism at EVH Innovation Café

Find out more about Uprooting Urbanism!