MAX (Makers’ eXchange) is launching a new open call for the second round of exchanges as part of the Hyper Global/Hyper Local program. The call invites makers and creative hubs to share knowledge and creative practices in both online and physical formats.
The call has integrated feedback provided by participants from the first round of virtual exchanges, aiming to be as open and inclusive as possible, embracing the multidisciplinary nature of what is considered as a “maker” today. This second round recognises the importance of physical mobility for makers which has suffered over the past year due to the pandemic and will accept proposals from makers that are willing to experiment, explore and prototype what a mobility program looks like in the current context.
The call addresses makers in the broadest sense of this term, including creative professionals who produce work and projects using technology and/or traditional tools and methods, artists, craftspeople, sculptors and textile designers.
MAX launched the first round of the Hyper Global Hyper Local program which included 10 exchanges in February 2021. The call invited makers to explore what it means to be both connected physically to local contexts and digitally at a global scale when travel and physical exchanges were not possible. Click here to read more about the outcomes of the previous exchange and the range of projects.
MAX (Makers’ eXchange) project is a pilot policy project, co-funded by the European Union, that aims to define and test policies and actions supporting the mobility and exchanges of experience between the cultural and creative industries, creative hubs, maker-spaces, fab-labs and formal and non-formal learning and skills development systems in a cross-sectoral way and embed makers’ mobility schemes for skills development and inclusion into mainstream CCIs support programs, policies and ecosystems across Europe.
The main objectives of the program are as follows:
- Supporting peer learning and sharing of knowledge and resources
- Stimulating collaborative projects between makers
- Inspiring transnational co-creation
Exchange Format
10 physical and 10 digital exchanges will be supported, with each exchange formed of two parties. Applicants may apply for either a fully online or a physical format. Exchanges may be formed of:
Organisation/ Creative Space
Organisation/ Creative Space
Organisation/ Creative Space
Please note:
- Physical exchanges between two makers may be possible, as long as there is an organisation involved as part of the application and exchange. For instance, a maker from Paris would like to exchange with a maker in Greece, and could collaborate with an organisation in Greece to provide a space for carrying out the exchange.
- Exchanges between two creative spaces require at least one representative from each organisation to participate that consider themselves as a maker.
Examples of potential online formats:
- An exchange that takes place in a fully online format could explore how to design and create a product in a distributed manner, where bits not atoms travel.
- See fully online exchanges from the first round here.
Examples of potential physical formats:
- Exploring the sharing of knowledge and skills between makers from two different countries.
- A digital fabrication specialist from Spain travels to a craftspeople collective in Germany to visit their workshops and exchange knowledge on their tools and processes.
Throughout the duration of the program there will be online networking and social events for all participants to participate in. These events will be communicated to participants ahead of the official start of the program and will serve as a space to meet with each other in an informal manner, exchange knowledge and provide feedback on each other’s projects. For the physical exchanges, there will be a small budget for hosting organisations provided to activate engagement with hosts’ local communities, facilitating access to local agents and sharing knowledge about local context.
How to apply
Applicants are invited to submit proposals for programs with the overall objective of transnational knowledge exchange between makers. This criteria can be fulfilled in many different ways such as a collaborative project. Applicants may apply with both new and established projects or create a proposal based around deepening their knowledge of a certain area within maker practices with the goal of skills development.
Applications may be made for either an online or physical exchange. As part of the application process makers will specify their preferred exchange format. In the case of applying for a physical exchange, contact will need to be made with the hosting organization before applying.
Deadline for submission
The deadline for submissions is 15th June 2021 23.59 CET.
The exchange program will run from June 2021 – September 2021 including onboarding, implementation period and events/presentations:
Applications open
Applications close
Successful participants selected & informed
Applicant onboarding
Opening event
Exchange implementation period and events
Reporting period
Note that exchanges may take place anytime during the implementation period.
Applicants will be asked to inform the organisers about the dates of the implementation prior to the exchange as part of their work plan.
Dedication Time
Each exchange will require a minimum amount of 40 hours of working time. The participants of each exchange will be responsible for planning and organizing their exchange within the start and finish dates of the exchange.
Participants will be expected to document and record the time spent during the exchange as per their work plan which will be submitted ahead of the beginning of the exchange.
- Applicants will be expected to attend the opening, closing and social events throughout the exchange period and actively engage with other participants and exchange knowledge, ideas and give feedback on each others projects.
- Applicants will be expected to organise an event for the dissemination of their project with the support of the MAX team.
Application Process
There are separate application forms for the online and physical exchanges. Applicants may apply to both, but may only be selected for one. In the case of applying for both exchanges formats, applicants will be invited to specify their preferred format. Applicants that took part in the first round of exchanges are eligible to apply for the second round. Applicants may apply for the exchange with more than one project and exchange partner, but can only be selected for one.
Online Exchanges
Selected participants for the online exchanges will receive 1000 EUR towards project production costs. One participant of each exchange will be responsible for receiving the funding, preparing invoices, keeping track of expenditures and evidence on behalf of the whole exchange. 50% of the funds will be pre-financed, while the remaining amount will be paid upon the delivery of the technical report due in September 2021 and full participation in the exchange programme.
Physical Exchanges
Selected participants for the physical exchanges will receive 1150 EUR as a lump sum to cover travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. The hosting institution will receive a small additional budget of 400 EUR for hosting a local community event to share the outcomes of the exchange with local agents.
- The open call is open to all applicants from the eligible countries.
- Exchanges must be formed from two different eligible countries.
- Applications must be submitted in English using the online application form by June 15th.
- Applications must include all of the information requested in the application form, including annexed documents.
- Successful applicants will be required to submit a work plan ahead of the beginning of the exchange (July 5th). A work plan template will be provided by the MAX team.
Mentorship sessions will be arranged for successful applicants for both the online and physical exchanges.
20 exchanges will be selected for the open call (10 physical and 10 online).
The MAX project partners will make the evaluations and select the applications according to the following criteria:
- Quality of the exchange motivation
- Quality of the project proposal
- Quality of the project plan
- Quality of the budget plan (for the online exchanges)
- Relevance to maker practices
Geographical diversity, diversity of topics and local impact potential will also be taken into account.
Application Form
Note that there are two different forms for the online and physical exchanges.
In the application form the following information will be required:
- Personal information of both parties of the exchange
- Exchange motivation
- Desired exchange outcomes
- Project Proposal
- Exchange plan
- Budget plan*
- Provide document showing you have made plans with partner/organisation/creative space and that they are committed to the project/exchange, such as letter of agreement
* A budget plan is only necessary for online. applications.
Covid Restrictions &
Travel Guidelines
As Covid guidelines and restrictions are changing depending on the circumstances in each country, in the case of applying for a physical exchange it is suggested to make an exchange plan according to the current knowledge.
The applicants traveling for the MAX project agree to stay informed and follow all COVID-19 travel guidelines and governmental measures of countries involved during the whole duration of the exchange. Applicants for physical exchanges will also be required to provide details of a contingency plan in the event of the exchange changing due to Covid measures, restrictions and unforeseen circumstances.
The call addresses makers in the broadest sense of this term, including creatives who produce work and projects using technology and/or traditional tools and methods, artists, craftspeople, sculptors and textile designers.
Yes - you have to apply as a formed partnership in the application. Each exchange is formed of two parties.
Yes, you may make more than one application. You could apply for both the physical and the online and also apply with multiple exchange partners. However please note that you may only be selected for one exchange.
Yes - but only one person is required to make the application. In the application you may specify that you will be working in a small team (3-4 people). Specifically for physical exchanges, please note that the project can only fund travel and accommodation costs for one representative of the group.
In the application process for the online exchange you will be required to propose a budget of estimated production costs for the project. Note that the applying party will be the one that receives the entire budget and will be responsible for distributing the budget as per the project proposal.
Contact and Further Information
Contact oliver@fablabbcn.org for any further questions that are not answered above.