Buinho: Creative Residencies Program

Buinho opens the doors of its residency program in the south of Portugal: a FabLab located in a unique rural setting where creatives and makers are invited to develop their works.

Buinho I Creative Residencies


In 2016, Buinho started one of the first European Artist in Residency (AiR) programs within a FabLab. The program has been running for 5 years now, in a small rural town located in the south of Portugal called Messejana. The Creative Residencies program is an opportunity to live and work in the town of Messejana for a period of up to three months. Buinho has three houses, each offering single and double bedrooms, shared and private studios, as well as shared living facilities. Yet, each house has a very distinct ambience and characteristics.


The residency program offers creative individuals the time, space and resources to experiment and try project solutions and approaches. Through living Messejana’s unique atmosphere, creatives can gain new insights that will inform the development of their practice.


People from all countries can apply to this porgram.

Who is it for?

individuals and collectives from all countries and different backgrounds (artists, designers, makers, writers, curators, etc).


Messejana, Portugal


Duration of stay

Minimum 2 weeks, maximum 3 months.

Financing amounts

Production support and reduction fees are possible upon analysis of proposal.

Source of funding


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