The unwavering will to start over


Kateryna Kolomina

Current location

Călărași, Romania

Professional field

Interior design

The story behind

Kateryna Kolomina is an interior designer with more than 12 years of experience. When war started in Ukraine in February 2022 Kateryna together with her children were displaced from their country and moved to Romania for temporary shelter. The area they stayed proved to be unsafe for her and her family, with unacceptable living conditions, so she started looking for a place to relocate. With the help of the MakersXchange program she managed to move to another city with better living conditions.

Kateryna Kolomina

Through their eyes

“I wanted to thank the Ukrainian artists & creatives grant & support program for everything that you do and did for me. Your help gave me an inner feeling that I was not alone in the time of war. When the war started, my hands dropped and everything became very difficult. After talking with you and receiving support from you I was able to get out of a situation of hopelessness. Thanks to your program, I was able to find better housing in another city and I feel calm that my children live under safer conditions. Now I am looking for a job remotely and I am sure I will find it, since I believed in mutual help, kind people and, most important of all, got out of a state of depression. I believed in myself.”

Interior design by Kateryna Kolomina
Interior design by Kateryna Kolomina

More about Kateryna Kolomina

Work Experience

2015-2022 Good8zone design, freelance.

2012-2022 BELETAGE design grupe, projects and design of well-known projects in the city of Odesa, including landscape solutions.

2011-Studio Kvartal, designer.

2008-2010 LLC Chernomor Resort Project, architect, design of residential settlements and apartment buildings.



Ukrainian Artists & Creatives Support Program

As the Ukrainian crisis is upon us and a large number of CCIs have already been affected by it, there is a constant need to support displaced Ukrainian creatives looking to resume their professional activities in new conditions. During the Program implementation Ukrainian CCS professionals received assistance in finding new jobs, accommodation possibilities, art residencies and were hosted in the creative hubs of ECHN around Europe, blending into local creative communities, aiming at their integration. 27 of the applicants were provided with a grant of 1.000€ in order to contribute to their resilience and help them resettle in a new environment. Beneficiaries of the Program shared their stories, describing professional successes and challenges and how this project has helped them get back on their feet.