Michelle Tshibola and Yamuna Forzani: Utopia Ball x Fashion Show

For their exchange, Michelle Tshibola, a fashion designer based in France, visited Yamuna Forzani, a queer activist and textile designer, based in the Netherlands in order to exchange knowledge in fashion design and produce a collection of outfits, using a combination of different textile techniques.

The objective set at the beginning of the project was to make the collection, which this was planned to be a collection of 10 outfits max, but in the end Michelle and Yamuna exceeded expectations and managed to make 12 outfits in total. Yamuna also managed to introduce Michelle to the local art scene , helping her expand her network, provide the opportunity for a residency at her studio space and experience Dutch culture.

Michelle and Yamuna worked in the studio together for 16 days to develop the collection, which was then presented at the 3rd edition of the Utopia Ball, an event organized by Yamuna, in Rotterdam. The collection, made up of 12 pieces, is called Venus Noir, taking inspiration from and celebrating Michelle’s African heritage!

The Utopia Ball Livestream at the Kunsthal, Rotterdam