AiR – Artist in Residence Niederösterreic

The AiR programme offers living and working spaces for artists in Krems an der Donau for a period of one to three months. The basic prerequisite for funding is a degree in a field of art (university level). If the applicant does not have a university degree, proof of equivalent ability must be provided through his or her artistic career. Applicants must demonstrate regular artistic activity in the proposed areas of funding.

The federal state of Lower Austria I


Studio apartments and grants will be awarded based on the premise that foreign artists are to be given the opportunity to work in Lower Austria and get to know different art and cultural institutions in this country.


By bringing foreign artists in contact with the Austrian artist scene, AiR – Artist in Residence Niederösterreich seeks to contribute to the internationalization of art in Austria and to promote a process of interdisciplinary exchange in the arts.


The programme encourages diversity and a multidisciplinary exchange.

Who is it for?

Individual artists that don’t reside in Austria.


Krems an der Donau, Austira

Duration of stay

1 to 3 months

Financing amounts

Studio and living quarters provided free of charge.

The artists in residence receive a sum of 1.300 € per month.

Source of funding


Type of activity

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