Art, Science and Society Residency Programme

Each year, this residency programme hosts about thirty artists and scientists from all disciplines. The residencies are intended for artists and scientists submitting projects whose development clearly requires collaborations between art and science.

IMERA Institut Méditerranéen de Recherche Avancée / Institute for Advanced Study I


The programme includes the exploration of the following themes:

The impact of digital integration on research and creation.
The relationships between sound practices, articulated with plastic practices.
Relationship between art, heritage and society.
Innovative writing at the crossroads of artistic and scientific research.


Its main goal is to favor collaborative work articulating research and creation in both art and science. It is particularly designed to host art-science projects which renew questionings and approaches and foster the emergence of original concepts and frames.

Who is it for?

Individuals at an international level.


Marseille, France

Duration of stay

5 months

Financing amounts

2000€ per month.

Accommodation at IMERA.

Transports from their home to Marseille.

Source of funding

Aix-Marseille University

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