European Geosciences Union | Arts and Science Residency 2022

EGU’s popular AiR programme welcome applications from science-artists for a residency at EGU22, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria from 3-8 April 2022.



EGU22 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for a meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences and for the first time will provide a hybrid experience with both on-site and virtual elements. The residency programme provides artists with an opportunity to engage with scientific research in a dynamic setting and be inspired by new scientific discoveries. Researchers, on the other hand, can discover new and creative ways of making their work more accessible to the public through interacting with the artists in residence.


All art produced by the 2022 artists in residence should focus on the science presented at the meeting and be produced on-site. In addition, EGU encourage artists in residence to organise a short course or pop-up event on how their art form can be used to communicate science.


Who is it for?

A wide range of art forms, but especially artists who are also scientists.


Vienna, Austria.

Duration of stay

6 days

Financing amounts

A stipend of €1200.

Source of funding

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