
i-Portunus is a short-term pilot project, selected and funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, to trial a mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals.

Goethe-Institut with Institut français, Izolyatsia and Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts I www.i-portunus.eu


Between April and September 2019, i-Portunus issued three Calls for Applications, providing support for international mobilities of artists active in the fields of the performing or visual arts and residing in a Creative Europe country. The destination of the mobility had to be a Creative Europe country.


These mobilities required a specific and well-defined objective, such as to develop an international collaboration, to engage in a production-oriented residency or in professional development in the destination country. To apply, one should organize a project with a host institution or partner.


Inclusion of persons with a disability: Additional mobility support could be provided to artists & culture professionals living with a disability.

Flexibility of duration of stay: continuous or segmented. Independence of evaluation and multi-level assessment based on relevance, preparation and outcomes.

Individual or group applications could be accepted.

Who is it for?

Artists, creators and cultural professionals from Creative Europe Countries individually or in groups up to 5 people working on a single project.


Creative Europe Countries

Duration of stay

1st & 2nd Call: The mobility had to be between 15 and 85 days in length and must take place between 15 June and 31 December 2019.

3rd Call: The mobility had to be between 15 and 60 days in length, and must take place between 11 October and 31 December 2019.

Mobility could be continuous or segmented (minimum stay of 5 days), as long as it focused on the same project.

Financing amounts

i-Portunus provides financial support to help fund the cost of travel (transportation, accommodation etc.).

Source of funding

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Type of activity


Type of sector

Performing arts, Visual arts