Mobility Fund

The Roberto Cimetta Fund, is an international non-profit organization created in 1999 to respond rapidly and directly to individual artists and cultural managers wishing to travel in order to develop contemporary artistic cooperation projects in the Euro-Arab geographical zone and beyond. It is the Mobility Fund for artists and cultural operators in Europe, the Arab world and the Middle East. The Fund acts as an intermediary, establishing partnerships with public or private funders for the travel grants programme.

Roberto Cimetta Fund I


The aim of the candidate’s trip must be one of the following:

Prepare a project.
Take part in a residency.
Take part in a meeting of artists and professionals.
Artistic training or professional training.
Take part in debates, conferences and seminars.
Setting up of cultural projects.


The trip must contribute to cultural development at local level in the countries of destination or departure. The candidate must develop local initiatives or policies on his/ her return that contribute to the cultural dynamism of his or her own country or region.

They must be committed to transmitting the benefits of their experience abroad to other artists and professionals in their region in a networking fashion.


Mobility is considered as an essential learning tool and a legitimate policy that recognizes the free circulation of cultural connecters, agents and practitioners.

Who is it for?

Individual artists and cultural operators living and working in the Euro-Arab-Middle East geographical zone.


Middle East, North Africa, the wider Europe

Duration of stay

Depends on the project.

Financing amounts

The grant covers travel costs for one international round trip in the Euro-Arab zone. According to available statistics for the 2010-2014 period, the average amount of grant was between 600€ (2010) and 455€ (2014).

Source of funding

Public/private partners.

Type of activity

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