UNPLAGGED, Virtual lessons & Workshops

The SCOPES-DF Project of the Fab Foundation contributes to the democratization of digital fabrication learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. UNPLUGGED is their timely approach to digital fabrication learning that includes curated lesson collection for teachers and parents as they work with students at home.

SCOPES-DF Project Ι www.scopesdf.org


Training on making use of materials and tools found at home and development of effective pathways and resources for using digital fabrication in STEM education.


Inspiration and skill development, when away from FabLabs and Makerspaces because of Covid.


Attempts to democratize digital fabrication learning through online education.

Who is it for?

Individual teachers, students, makers and FabLabs at an international level.



Duration of stay

Digital exchange

Financing amounts

Participation is free of charge, requires registration.

Source of funding

Public partners.

Corporate partners.

Private partners.

Type of activity

Lessons, Workshop

Type of sector

Design, Digital fabrication, Education