Václav Peloušek, Bernhard Rasinger and Projekt Atol Institute: DIY Laser Projector

Václav and Bernhard collaborated with Tina Dolinšek and the team at Project Atol Institute to develop a DIY Laser Projector. The exchange was mainly carried out at PIFcamp, an international summer hacking camp located on Soča Village in Slovenia.

Apart from working with Projekt Atol team, they closely worked with other participants of the camp to develop the hardware for the laser projector. A big inspiration for the final version of the project came from a lecture on ethical and fair-trade hardware by Austrian artist Stefanie Wuschitz. After the talk the team decided to focus on accessible and good documentation in order to encourage the potential makers to (re)use the materials that they have at home and lower their e-waste.

DIY Laser Projector Principles:

After the exchange period Vaclav and Bernhard offered a workshop on how to draw with sound at Osmo/za, in Ljubljana. The workshop was a mixture of hands-on approach, show and tell and improvisation/experimentation. Václav and Bernhard prepared the venue so it looked like a playground – there were 5 set-ups of different audiovisual combinations for participants to try out, for example vectrex, laser set-up and oscilloscope, all connected to a different modular synth. The workshop started with the hands-on making of the DIY laser projector, that made the experimental session which followed way more approachable and understandable. At the end of the workshop, there was also a “round table”, where Václav, Bernhard and Tina collected feedback from the participants.

For more info about this project, check out the Interview with Projekt Atol’s Tina Dolinšek and Václav Peloušek.