Villae NGO and Volumes: Villa Summer Camp

The exchange team aims to starting a creative and productive hub, including a Fab Lab, in Villa Buonaccorsi, which a heritage site in Potenza Picena, Italy. During the Villa Summer Camp, the citizens of Potenza Picena, members of Volumes, of Villae NGO and international experts from various disciplines imagined together possible scenarios for the future of the Buonaccorsi Villa during a two days workshop on the 23rd and 24th of July.

The workshops of the 23rd of July, started from the idea of having a space, where various activities coexist in an organic whole. The participants were divided into working groups, which focused brainstorming in four thematic tables, according to their expertise:

  • The villa as a maker space, facilitated by Yara Tayoun (Volumes)
  • The villa as a citizens lab, facilitated by Domenico Di Siena (Volumes)
  • The villa as an engine and example of regenerative tourism, facilitated by Jonathan Reyes (Fairbnb)
  • The villa as a place of technological innovation, facilitated by Aldo Sollazzo (Noumena)

The results of the work were presented on the 24th during a press conference, where some members of the city council were present. In the afternoon the debate was public and open. Villae NGO also presented their Manifesto for Villa Buonaccorsi, which outlines in ten points the guidelines of their approach, in accordance with the vision of the Municipality and the other members of the commission, who share its principles.

Villa Summer Camp: The reRenaissance of Villa Buonaccorsi